

Art Workshop 


Paint, heal and balance your creative soul

Soul Play is my new intuitive art workshop. It is both a creative and a holistic experience.
It’s a chance to treat yourself to two days of fun and play.

No expectations and no inhibitions. 

This workshop is perfect for both beginners and fellow artists. I will guide
you through the layers. Created with stencils and translucent paint.


I have been coming up to Queensland to run workshops for ten years now. I love it up there so I am happy
to come up again to share this new workshop with my Queensland Ladies.

Intuitive technique collective

If you love a particular intuitive technique of mine this is the workshop for you. From Goddess to Beyond the Veil. You are free to paint whatever you would like.

I am also introducing my Soul Journey technique, where we add images to the top of our abstract painting. Instead of pulling images out as in BTV. Keeping in mind some of my techniques do require some painting experience.

Please note the Chakra Tree of life is a different technique. If you love that one I do have it available as an online option.

If you’ve been feeling blocked and frustrated lately, this workshop can help you connect back to your intuitive self !

It’s amazing how just letting go and creating can help heal our souls and ease the stress in our lives.


This workshop can help you manifest those things you would like to bring into your life in the future!


We will commence with a circle and a chat. Connecting with the group is so important for this style of workshop. The healing power and sharing and support is so powerful with a group of women. Sisters!

We will share a short meditation and connect to our
inner muse.

Then we will create a pretty abstract background and play with stencils. 

You can add any images that have significant meaning to you.

Creating a story or “Vision Board” Set our intentions for the workshop.

Or you can just play with tools and brushes to make marks and strokes in colour play! No rules…

 Just go with what you Love!


This workshop has been designed for both Beginners and Fellow Artists


 A Material List will be sent out once you enrol. We do need good quality Translucent paints to achieve the transparent stencil layers.



Art Workshop

Saturday 7th October
Sunday 8th October 2023

9:30 am  5:00 pm

Investment $495


Happy Dotting Company

20 Flanders Street,

Salisbury Brisbane


Life and art musings

Hear about art retreats, workshops and other life epiphanies

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