Magic Happens
Art Workshop
Paint, heal and balance your creative soul
The Magic Happens art workshop is both a creative and a holistic experience. It’s a chance to treat yourself to a weekend of fun and play.
No expectations and no inhibitions.
This workshop is perfect for both beginners and fellow artists. I will guide you through the layers. Created with stencils and translucent paint.
This Workshop is limited to 6-8 students.
If you’ve been feeling blocked and frustrated lately, this workshop can help!
In our first layer we can set our special intentions on to the canvas
This workshop can help you manifest those things you would like to bring into your life in the future!
We will commence with a circle and a chat. Connecting with the the group is so important for this style of workshop. The healing power and
sharing and support is so powerful with a group of women. Sisters!
We will go on a short meditation and connect to our inner creative selves.
I will then show you how to paint a Serendipity style background, created with translucent paint and stencils.
Example is “Magic Happens”
We will paint pretty abstract backgrounds and then play with stencils.
Or you can bring images out of the background with the Beyond The Veil technique. See examples below.
It’s up to you.
All Materials are supplied in this workshop.
Beginners and Fellow Artists will love this workshop.
You do not need any painting experience.
Magic Happens
Art Workshop
Saturday – Sunday 11th&12th
January 2020
10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Lavender Mists Art Studio
14 Hillview Avenue,
Rye, Victoria
Examples of Magic Happens Creations
Soul Mates-Beyond The Veil
Fly Free-Serendipity
Elephants Sacred Garden-Beyond The Veil
Curiosity-Beyond The Veil
Life and art musings
Hear about art retreats, workshops and other life epiphanies